About Dhaka Fisheries Ltd.
Dhaka Fisheries Ltd. is one of the pioneer in fisheries business in Bangladesh. The Company started its operation in the year 1988. The authorized capital of the company is Tk.100,00,00,000.00 and paid up capital is Tk.3,17,00,000.00 It is a limited Company and listed with DSE in the year 1996.
After the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971; National Leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman observed lack of skilled manpower for judicious exploitation and harvesting of marine fisheries resources. Then he called for a national institution to train and educate personnel for Bangladesh maritime fisheries industries which began in 1972. That time it was also the beginning of a rapid technological change in the deep sea fishing with the introduction of large and sophisticated deep sea fishing vessels. The Government realized that without skilled manpower i.e. qualified officers, the growth of an efficient fishing fleet would be impossible.